New Logo!
For over 40 years, E-Z Way, Inc. has constantly worked to better serve the needs of our driver-training students and families. Today, our evolution continues as we unveil our new logo on our training vehicles, on our website, on social profiles, and in print.
Our new visual identity is represented in the long road of our history and our route to our continued commitment to quality driver training in all the southern Michigan locations that we serve.
This new look symbolizes our dedication to being forward-looking while never losing sight of the proud history that helped get us here.
As E-Z Way looks to the future, we will continue to find new and improved ways to better fit our students’ needs. As always, our programs are designed to provide student-centered instruction based on the State of Michigan's required curriculum with the goal of helping our students become safe and skilled drivers.
We extend our thanks to all the families who have been valued partners in helping train new drivers for the past 40 years, and we send a “Welcome” to all of our new partner families in the future.